Monday, December 24, 2012

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Men second general ---- Wang Yong! But he in charge of money, where possible looking at their own pockets suddenly emptied his account comparable others regarded as fine more, know only need to buy the land the whole River devoted to know have funds withdrawn from circulation after the purchase of land the second year, and also know that most of Sichuan mountains, hills, and values ​​can not afford the 20 Longyang but how operators have to be spent in the first year of 80 million two silver This means that Wang Yong pocket just out $ 20 million, in turn splashed outflow of $ 40 million
Dragon Sword Ming did not think even their good wishes to incur such results!, ​​Not operating Midland mainly by Wu Liang Kwong Donglin, a tube operation, a tube technology to digest the idea is done fast., But here is Sichuan, China, that the administrative problems, said the problems of the farmers own whimsical, wishful thinking and even by their own people internally can not, then let alone implemented!
the term ah! such as building roads, farmers contribute earn wages, is not that the source of income? immediately large factories recruit workers that farmers become workers, also have a source of income. main Chuan Han Chuan Yunnan two railway construction, but also solve the how many peasants employment? 20 Longyang acre of land prices is fine on Chengdu surrounding Bazi price you can buy it other places several Longyang ! there is a source of funds, banks ah! either the dollar is changed? large sums of funds for construction! we need conscription, recruiting the rural labor force will be less and less,wholesale nba jerseys, can implement centralized , do not force the average land allocated major premise is to allow the farmers to stability and increasingly affluent on the line, right? Here to talk about the problems of practical assistance to industry and commerce. everyone know, we want to establish a complete industrial system, the Minxing plants to be leading, its body and a dragon's tail these still have to rely on private investment to create, so to speak, We produce a rifle, you need a lot of processes and materials, these things we can not have the energy to single-handedly but we can through a master by their own organization, the related technology to the people, so that they do to invest and set up factories organizations Divide replaced by the former counsel and Industry Bureau, but the name and act the way we have to change! short, we need a universal participation of the industrial system, not our own a monologue. END own words, and then looked at everyone's reaction.
This much better, do not like just as much talked-about, we are considering his open rate how to implement the old rate what missing.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Prepared by Wang Yun calibrate really just right, deliberately tune Dong Zhuo's appetite for such a long time, gave opportunity Dong, Dong Zhuo not fooled when pigs fly, and to do so to avoid others suspected of Wang Yun, because all things are by means of the Li Ru mouth out, and Wang Yun is not the slightest relationship.
Precisely because of this, Xu Shu's smart, but also did not find the secret of this one.
Taishi Ci can not help much admiration did not expect to find themselves using Riboud things are blocked, Wang Yun immediately change another person to take advantage of, and sinister vision checked the Zhang Xiu of Chang'an behind Riboud's master.
Taishi Ci also figure out one thing, that is to say in control of Chang'an, Wang Yun, will Zhang Xiu constraints Cao Cao also touches a good choice, absolutely can deal with Cao Cao Zhang Xiu men Jia Xu .
Bao Xin apparently thought this problem, Chen Sheng said: Wang Yun has said: Bao Xin silence.
Wang Yun has laughed: Bao Xin doubt: Wang Yun smiled and said: Bao Xin smiled and said: Wang Yun sneered: Bao Xin smiles: Wang Yun He laughed: Taishi Ci hearts sighed: Tao Qian did have this idea, but Cao Ling do so not just to Xuzhou, more touches better live for themselves and pay attention to are their own, give her Cao Ling not really How powerful.
Wang Yun has said: look. Bao Xin Chen Sheng said: Wang Yun smiled and said: see Cao Ling. then we think of ways to make Dong Zhuo know this thing, Dong Zhuo would be very angry, even against Riboud, so that will produce rift between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo, so we are more secure ,pink ribbon north face. Taishi Ci hear the hearts of much praise,cheap northface jackets, Wang Yun back design chain of dollars, but more than the history of Interlocking much savvier, Dong Zhuo'm afraid undead are Wang Yun now all of a sudden want to incite defection Lu Bu and Zhang Xiu two die.
Bao Xin Chen Sheng said:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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ves rebel army simply can not support how long they need to attack the enemy from behind, rather than the sending of reinforcements landed, so regardless of pay how much sacrifice, we must put the enemy stubbornly blocking the Jixia harbor is wiped out, and must not let go of a single soldier. advantage of the enemy ships and armament, the disadvantage is that the thirty-day supply left the group army tomorrow night, they will be an empty stomach war with us, and estimated the food of the thirty-first Army Reserve, also support a few days, because they are ready to back the Gaotang government and transportation We use this point to promising! '
Mo Fu Rong and said: smaller, as long as we are able to continuously break through enemy lines, they will certainly do a mass chaos North could not find the time, not let us butcher it? 'Seawolf' submarine can be used as shock troops to clear the way, the most good blockbuster to kill the enemy flagship, a ladder,mens north face jackets, their dog gall! Really is not the world a military genius, no wonder able to temporarily the new high Tang Empire Hyobu phase, Mo Fu Rong few little language put everyone excited, as if the victory in front. Morohito everyone listen to her finish invigorated, only two sullen one Magellan is natural, because Mo Fu Rong ready to annihilate the target was his full team; while the other
?Person is to me, because from the rescued the Magellanic life, and promised to help him revenge which when played FY Empire the thirtieth Army and is equal to the thirty-first Ar