Monday, December 24, 2012

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Dragon Sword Ming did not think even their good wishes to incur such results!, ​​Not operating Midland mainly by Wu Liang Kwong Donglin, a tube operation, a tube technology to digest the idea is done fast., But here is Sichuan, China, that the administrative problems, said the problems of the farmers own whimsical, wishful thinking and even by their own people internally can not, then let alone implemented!
the term ah! such as building roads, farmers contribute earn wages, is not that the source of income? immediately large factories recruit workers that farmers become workers, also have a source of income. main Chuan Han Chuan Yunnan two railway construction, but also solve the how many peasants employment? 20 Longyang acre of land prices is fine on Chengdu surrounding Bazi price you can buy it other places several Longyang ! there is a source of funds, banks ah! either the dollar is changed? large sums of funds for construction! we need conscription, recruiting the rural labor force will be less and less,wholesale nba jerseys, can implement centralized , do not force the average land allocated major premise is to allow the farmers to stability and increasingly affluent on the line, right? Here to talk about the problems of practical assistance to industry and commerce. everyone know, we want to establish a complete industrial system, the Minxing plants to be leading, its body and a dragon's tail these still have to rely on private investment to create, so to speak, We produce a rifle, you need a lot of processes and materials, these things we can not have the energy to single-handedly but we can through a master by their own organization, the related technology to the people, so that they do to invest and set up factories organizations Divide replaced by the former counsel and Industry Bureau, but the name and act the way we have to change! short, we need a universal participation of the industrial system, not our own a monologue. END own words, and then looked at everyone's reaction.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Precisely because of this, Xu Shu's smart, but also did not find the secret of this one.
Taishi Ci can not help much admiration did not expect to find themselves using Riboud things are blocked, Wang Yun immediately change another person to take advantage of, and sinister vision checked the Zhang Xiu of Chang'an behind Riboud's master.
Taishi Ci also figure out one thing, that is to say in control of Chang'an, Wang Yun, will Zhang Xiu constraints Cao Cao also touches a good choice, absolutely can deal with Cao Cao Zhang Xiu men Jia Xu .
Bao Xin apparently thought this problem, Chen Sheng said: Wang Yun has said: Bao Xin silence.
Wang Yun has laughed: Bao Xin doubt: Wang Yun smiled and said: Bao Xin smiled and said: Wang Yun sneered: Bao Xin smiles: Wang Yun He laughed: Taishi Ci hearts sighed: Tao Qian did have this idea, but Cao Ling do so not just to Xuzhou, more touches better live for themselves and pay attention to are their own, give her Cao Ling not really How powerful.
Wang Yun has said: look. Bao Xin Chen Sheng said: Wang Yun smiled and said: see Cao Ling. then we think of ways to make Dong Zhuo know this thing, Dong Zhuo would be very angry, even against Riboud, so that will produce rift between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo, so we are more secure ,pink ribbon north face. Taishi Ci hear the hearts of much praise,cheap northface jackets, Wang Yun back design chain of dollars, but more than the history of Interlocking much savvier, Dong Zhuo'm afraid undead are Wang Yun now all of a sudden want to incite defection Lu Bu and Zhang Xiu two die.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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Mo Fu Rong and said: smaller, as long as we are able to continuously break through enemy lines, they will certainly do a mass chaos North could not find the time, not let us butcher it? 'Seawolf' submarine can be used as shock troops to clear the way, the most good blockbuster to kill the enemy flagship, a ladder,mens north face jackets, their dog gall! Really is not the world a military genius, no wonder able to temporarily the new high Tang Empire Hyobu phase, Mo Fu Rong few little language put everyone excited, as if the victory in front. Morohito everyone listen to her finish invigorated, only two sullen one Magellan is natural, because Mo Fu Rong ready to annihilate the target was his full team; while the other
?Person is to me, because from the rescued the Magellanic life, and promised to help him revenge which when played FY Empire the thirtieth Army and is equal to the thirty-first Ar

Monday, November 12, 2012

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At the same time, Ma Khan received the intelligence, the two divisions of the Empire VII Corps from the south line quietly across the Miluo River to cut off the road south, and Wenning Tainan constitute encirclement trend, while the Northern Line came the news of four divisions of the Fifth Corps of the Empire boat from Huanggang Prefecture rapid southward along the Wenning and the the Baling government border line,north face denali jackets, the goal is very clear, is to block off the horse of their sweat people Wenning four corps West The withdrawal of the road, in one fell swoop wipe out the four elite horses of their sweat Corps.
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Temperature rather Kimori House.
Ray adults, the current situation in drastic changes, I am afraid that is difficult to hold on to this Wenning City, According to our intelligence in the Central Plains, Stuart moon the next dead command, be sure to recapture Wenning and Baling, or even abandon Heshuo the expense of the heard Stuart moon to Tanghe the fifth, sixth and seventh three Army Group under the death warrant, if you dare to neglect, it will implicate prize! see Tanghe this time really be desperate, I
?The day before yesterday, the battle has repeatedly broken through the Tanghe line of defense, but they spend much tenacious top back, this is something I've never encountered before. Now time is running out, the make a

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Two to three general aviation regiment. Airship used by the so-called Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment is a small, almost can not be shipped material and combatants, only reconnaissance and fast-moving as an officer with each group of about twenty airship called ordinary Aviation Regiment equipment in large airship, equipped with machine guns and small mortars and other weapons, combat units. every group of about fifteen airship.
Because of the lack of sufficient military only Jiangning Capital Airlines' Qi regiment, medium and small seventy-five airship, other less number of bases.
Around each Air Force Base are stationed with the Army garrison, and Air Force personnel and their equipment by the joint training and airborne forces responsible for the protection to be fighting aboard the airship. Preparation of the program according to the IDF in 1866, each Air Force The division around accordingly equipped with an airborne division, about 8,000 officers and men, such forces do not have heavy weapons, but the tense military spending, coupled with paratroopers continued to maintain a high casualty rate due to factors such as the level of equipment and technology as well as training of enlisted personnel caused The impact to the spring of 1869, the northwest military forces during the four Airborne Division does not have a full, and therefore caused the Air Force General Staff had to be drawn from each of the four bases Aviation Regiment dilemma.
Airborne troops in attribution pending between the Air Force and the Army, the Air Force has always been a priority to protect the Air Service troops and equipment training, so this a few years, despite the airborne troops shelves has already set the stage, and there is no considerable development this point in the spring of 1869 has changed about Chapter 51 plot involving.
Navy about stood out clearly, equipment and localization will be described in the 51, 52, 53 Chapter side.
The capital of why the Air Force to guard. Fact, on the Hangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha and other places nor not, just nearest Bale. Prime minister's Air Force One airship also need special protection and maintenance, construction of an airship base needed money, so this also save money considerations.
The above text: federal officers and men in China is not idiot, they are all managed building its own armed, so that it has a large enough combat effectiveness of all the forces of the Ministry of War and General Staff preparation of the design, no matter how little, are by the East Asian the main feature. least at any time be able to cope with the invasion of the world-class power, other things can not militaristic, the strong Han and Tang are not relying on the powerful enemy the Han soldiers alone win. matter 54 chapters later the northwest military forces related chapter specifically described.
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Just that Knight line speak a knight ceremony, said: Sun wanted to refuse, because the sun is most needed at the moment is to rest, but the mission to force the sun to cheer with the two knights came to the home of the Knights, the Knight's home is often a meeting place of high-ranking officers of the Shura Knights now do not accept the common players to become the hotel of the the Shura Knights dedicated.
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Two people to each other after the introduction of the awkward silence atmosphere is amazing that took a long time, can not find a suitable topic Hussein seems that he is the head of the Knights of the Great Indian country, their own can not be too humble

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Friday, October 12, 2012

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Of course, on the road, I first called to the two of them things to a satisfactory solution.
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This not too much time to think about this question, in fact, released Where the same publicity, after all, my only day time.
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Monday, August 13, 2012

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Friday, August 10, 2012

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Li Yue bell smiled: ah we wait for him to say, hehe. Rongrong riding on her husband's body like last night can be very attractive!
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Li Yue bell laugh; this

Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Looked up the look of worry about the look of the two women, I took a deep breath, then calmly said: it should be said that the creation of my own innermost thinking, I already know everything is false, now please give me sick of it. Two women looked at me with a look of shock, or the nfl is the first to react: Ink, we are not just told you you? You that memory disturbances, which is, in reality, not in the game. Do not cranky, quick lie down and rest a while, you sleep the sleep will remember all Alert to back step, and then said:

Monday, July 16, 2012

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Friday, July 6, 2012

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Xiaocheng Long put the card the same day nearly 6,000 dollars are put out, but also people, left more than 3000 yuan this since the cost of living in this semester, do not worry, I did not expect did not last long, just over a week about school security section to find to talk turned out to be his foot in wasteful spending aroused the attention of losing money these students.
Xiaocheng Long was guilty, people asked, what was said. School to see him admit that a good attitude, the students who Diuqian understand Xiao Chenglong situation is also very sympathetic to him. Say students who at home are not that bad money, nor the police. last only criticism in the school education, sent him to the police station, but the school is no way to keep him.
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Just returned to the blue guitar, Xiaocheng Long met Cui tiger came out of the Cui Tiger from prison, would like to do the great work he knows his level, so that he riotings can also, but now the social not alone and you dare to kill a can break a career.
Cui tiger to see the abjection of Xiaocheng Long, asked him to drink a wine, Xiaocheng Long put all things Cui Tiger said. Conversation Cui Tiger appreciate Xiaocheng Long's talent, he gave Xiaocheng Long received as a brother. A few years The after Xiaocheng Long gradually became a the Cui Tiger indispensable right-hand man to help the the Cui Tiger has earned a lot of money, many Sunzhao.
Cui Tiger's not even his younger brother not to find, is trust Xiaocheng Long, know Xiaocheng Long must not betray him.
They sat on the sofa, Cui tiger happened on Xiaocheng Long said it again, and asked: Xiaocheng Long meditation while channel.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Monday, June 25, 2012

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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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Bombings, peace bridge case, the Wildcats Bar case,where to buy jerseys, three cases are very difficult. Fortunately, hongqicun case is intricate, the peace bridge case and the Wildcats bar case is to do, all the police force are grasping to fight against the south end Tiger, at the same time sent a few police officers stare at Zhao Lei.
Jie suddenly relaxed up on a man sitting in the office of Interpol Battalion, looked at the wall schedule, the way, playing in the hands of the PSP.
You have the eyes of the detectives,air jordans retro 5, he is a security, stepped Goushi Yun, know of Shao exuberant, and Fan Xiaoqi, no one sell it to him. Zhang Jie does not matter, concentrate on playing the PSP the way to the detection of several Captains spy facilities internal password. particular attention to find that Beijing police inspector's internal password, this password, but be able to visit the Police Department database, while others can only visit the city Bureau database.
No one can think of to, from time to time and Zhang Jie was a Beijing police inspector's internal password to get.
Beijing police inspector's account password is the two permissions, it seems that most of the database can visit the Police Department and the Police Agency This is indeed Jie surprised, do not know the police inspector in the end what the origins of just three police than the Fan monitoring of the three permissions, to be tough.
Zhang Jie is a bit unpredictable, the general office of all police have stood up, one after another salute.
A 50-year-old man, accompanied by several government officials have gone to the PUC office of Interpol Battalion.
This man gray hair, wearing a pair of dark glasses, a very humble attitude. He was wearing a style of slightly over gas-old suit, shoes is also years old shoes to wear around, very frugal. can such a person in a crowd, a very strange gas field, around the people around him.
Shen just saw this person, even look a lag, and hastily went over, and the old man saluted and said: Li, deputy secretary of Ciai smile and be back to the ceremony. Eyes on him Shao exuberant, and she immediately beckoned: night did not fall asleep! Shao exuberant very plain and smiles: Li, deputy secretary of patted on the shoulder of the Shao exuberant, very mixed emotions on the road: Shao flourishing and he whispered a Li, deputy secretary Oh, cry easily pointed to a 40-year-old government officials, also pointed to the Fan Xiaoqi said: big star, you in the end how is it the case up to now has not cracked?
The Beijing Superintendent salute Road: Secretary Li, rest assured that the case has been find out. We will clear two-way, from the Yangtze to Hangzhou, the intensive search for the track, and strive to catch the blue shark anti-China groups in the domestic terrorists, we have reported to the Anti-Terrorism Secretary to require the Zhejiang Province Police Agency and the Armed Police Corps Support.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

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Wang Tao, but is blue burst of white burst of non-stop changing the color of the face, eyes with a kind of deep resentment.
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Mirror point of view and from a Huangjing Ru eyes look immediately that seems to eat people raging Yuyan replaced.
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